Tuesday 9 November 2010

Ani 105-Spread Sheet

After downloading the Metronome for Mac, I found the music on Youtube and started to work out all the information that was needed before animating could begin.

I found getting the BPM (Beats Per Minutes) was much harder then I first thought. I had first started to tap to about thrity seconds of the music but I never seemed to get two answers the same. So I took the time down to about ten seconds of the music. I tapped out the BPM again four times and had two answers to choice from. I could use 112 BPM or 113 BPM, as 112 is a nice even number it would be easier to work with then 113.

Taking 112 BPM as my answer it was time to find out the following:

BPS (Beats Per Second)
FPB (Frames Per Beat)

Starting with BPS, I took the number 112 and divided it into 60 ( as there are 60 seconds per minute).

112 = 0.53

To find the FPM I take the number 0.53 and then multiply it by 25, as the frame rate that I am using is 25  frames per second. The number that I get is the following: 13.25. As the number is not a whole number I need to round it to 13 and then keep track of the .25.

The next step was to find out how many frames it would take for the extra .25 to make a whole number, it worked out as follows:

0      0
   13    .25
 26    .5
   39    .75
52    1 

This shows that at frame 52 another frame will need to be added to keep up with the music. This will mean that I would add 1 frame to 52 making it 53, then start over again. 

Once ideas are more solid then I'll start working out how to time the animation.

A link to the song:


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