Monday 21 February 2011

Ani 107 Walk Cycle Test 6a

I have just gone over the first animation of test 6 and I think that the whole thing is a bit to fast, so i have gone back and slowed it all down. The animation below shows this:

Ani 107 Walk Cycle Test 6- Final revision

After some feed back, I've changed the body and arms to move more. I'm hoping that this walk cycle looks ok and that it can be used as my final profile walk.

I used some refernce from a catwalk video on youtube, link is below:

Sunday 20 February 2011

Ani 107 Walk Cycle Test 5 - Final

This is my fifth test for the profile walk. I like this test and want to use it as my final for the profile walk. The walk is meant to show how a model walks down a runway.

Next is time to start the Perspective walk!

Ani 107- Walk Cycle Test 4 with arms

This is Test 4 with arms.

Ani 107- Walk Cycle Test 4, no arms

This is my forth test that walks across the screen. At the moment there is no arms, as I wanted to get the legs and body moving first.

I like the movement of the legs and body and how there is a pause at the contact points. It gives the walk more of an attitude.

Thursday 17 February 2011

Ani 107 - Modeling Arm Tutorial

The image below shows my finished tutorial that was set for the class to do. I'm so happy to finish it! Modeling is difficult!

Saturday 12 February 2011

Ani 107 - Walk cycle - 3D Walk Cycle Tutorial

Got through the 3D walk cycle tutorial, I found it a lot of fun! This is the tutorial without using the graph editor. The walking does have a jump that can be seen and its very spiky in movement.

Thursday 3 February 2011

Ani 107 - Walk cycle - Third test

This is my third test for the walk cycle, I need to finish off the second one.

Life Drawing so far.....

The images below are of the life drawing that I have completed so far in term 2.

Starting with the first classes work from the 26/01/2011. I have put together the better piece from the life drawing class and placed them together on a few pages.

Life Drawing 01

Life Drawing Outside Uni

Here are a two more recent life drawings from outside of Uni. I used pencil for the first and charcol for the second. Need to improve alot more!

Life Drawing 01

Life Drawing 02

Wednesday 2 February 2011

Ani 107 - Walk cycle - Live Action Reference Footage

I wanted to look at different walks that a humanoid can create. To do this I filmed myself and my partner acting out different walks. Some of this footage I want to take and try out in 2D, other walks are there just for fun! See the videos below:

Walking Reference 01

Walking Reference 02

Walking Reference 03

Tuesday 1 February 2011

Storyboard Unit - Story Reference

We are looking at pick a narrative for the unit and I'm thinking about either a children's story or a comedy's piece. The comedy's piece would be a extract from a show and converted into storyboards around what they are saying. The children's book would be a good as they stories are normally very simple and to the point. My stories have a moral in them, making them meaningful.

I have been talking to a friend in the class about it and they were looking at some books on fairy tales for this unit. They had a book of fairy tales by the brothers grimm. I read some of the stories and found that they were to the point, but very simple to understand. There is a lot to work with and it is easy to change parts but keep to the story.

I looked on the internet for more stories by the brother grimm and found that the national geographic website had a few in the kids zone. The link below is to a story that I found very interesting when reading it:

The story is simple. It is about two sisters and a step mother. One sister is pretty, but works very hard. The other ugly and does not do anything. The pretty sisters goes on a journey and at the end of it she is rich, because she is so hard working. The other sister does the same journey, but at the end she is coated in what is the worth of her service. The moral is that if you work hard you get great rewards, where as if you do not you get nothing.

Storyboard Unit

This terms work is based on storyboards and animatics. We will be looking at different narrative and forming a screen play to create storyboards around. The from the storyboards we will be looking to make a animatic.

I cant wait to start this project off and am looking forward to working with a friend in the class.

Ani 107 - Walk cycle - First Test

I wanted to get a feel for animating a walk cycle, to get use to the tools that I will need to use. I'm finding it really hard to animate, but I've tried a few times to get a simple walk cycle going and this is one that walks along the screen.

I have some video reference that I completed over the weekend, but still need to cut it to together. I will be posting that soon.

I need a lot more practice as I know that this walk cycle is not that good. Will get onto it as soon as I post up my video reference.